Foods Good For Your Skin What Foods Are Good For Your Skin?

What foods are good for your skin? - foods good for your skin

I know that drinking a lot of water is good for the skin, but the food is good for them?
What helps with acne and just the general health of the skin


Jenn said...

You heard right, water is the best thing I could give to the skin. To prevent the beans to fatty foods.


A skin without wrinkles: orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit

A tight skin: sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon.

Smooth skin: green tea

I hope that helps! You can visit the following website to find more details

Emma said...

First: - Low-Fat Dairy Products. One of the most important components of skin health is vitamin A.

Secondly - blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and plums.

Third: - fruit and vegetables.

Room Diet: - healthy (but not required)
That is all ..

And if you are a food that makes your skin glow, so there is something to eat: --

Examples: - sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon.
What they do: re-supply the skin with antioxidants, so they are ready to make free radicals scarf when an apparition. Free rads are highly reactive oxygen molecules that can damage cells and contribute almost everything that goes wrong with the skin, wrinkles, dry
Fresh and juicy
Your body can not store more than the fight against wrinkles with vitamin C, so you need to keep their supplies stocked. Simpler and easiest way: Have some citrus fruits daily. Examples: oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits.
Soften and soothe
It is a very powerful antioxidant known as EGCG from all sorts of good for the skin. The best place to find them? True teas: black, green or white (herbs). Stir filled a cup of water every morning, and that is, four to six cups throughout the day is obvious.

Examples: green tea.
Green leafy
Some vegetables, dark green leaves, either fresh, frozen, raw or steamed, really, the vitamin A, one of the most important vitamins skin in progress.

Examples: - spinach. Turnip Greens. Broccoli.
Favorite Fisherman
The cold water for several catches you give your skin a double benefit: age of the struggle against the omega-3 fatty acids and the regenerative capacity of proteins.

Examples: - salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, sardine, Pacific herring, most of the seafood

Sorry for taking much of your time.

outdrsgr... said...

(more. .. fish fish but especially salmon), nuts, lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains,

Food that is not good for the skin. . everything is handled (eg, fast food, white bread, candy, sugar)

They are rarely eat fast food / processed food, and my skin is much better, and I thank you for this alpha hydroxy acid lotion 10%

michikot... said...

Fruit and vegetables. Bitter melon May their skin clear and yellow vegetables like carrots and squash your skin healthier. My dermatologist says that cause peanuts (without almonds, walnuts, etc.), chocolate, food oils and acne.

michikot... said...

Fruit and vegetables. Bitter melon May their skin clear and yellow vegetables like carrots and squash your skin healthier. My dermatologist says that cause peanuts (without almonds, walnuts, etc.), chocolate, food oils and acne.

lhlee888 said...

I recommend foods with vitamin D --
The liver oils from fish,
Fatty fish (such as herring, catfish, salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, eel)
Eggs, cereal, milk.

Anonymous said...

Many fruits and vegetables.

Anonymous said...

Many fruits and vegetables.

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